我们知道您对您的学生如何适应全球十大赌钱排行app的生活有疑问. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers.

How do I address mail to my student?

收到包裹或信件的学生将收到一封电子邮件,告知如何领取包裹或信件. 给你的学生寄一封信或包裹,地址如下:

Student name
Carthage College
2001 Alford Park Drive
Residence hall and room number
Kenosha, WI 53140

Where can my student send Amazon packages?

从亚马逊订购的学生可以选择将他们的包裹发送到我们的亚马逊集线器储物柜系统, Phil. To do this, 学生必须选择“查找取货地点”,并在结账时使用全球十大赌钱排行app地址搜索菲尔. 学生们将收到一封来自亚马逊的电子邮件,告诉他们如何在包裹到达后取回包裹.

虽然Phil是将亚马逊包裹运送到校园的一种便捷方式,但它并不是唯一的方式. 包裹可以像平常一样寄地址,它们将通过学生收发室处理.

有关信件和包裹的更多信息,请访问 Campus Services website. Questions? Contact the Student Mailroom at studentmailroom@cutandcash.com.

Where can I park when visiting my student?


  • Posted spaces across from Lentz Hall
  • Marked spaces in South Upper Lot
  • All of South Lower Lot (during resident hall visitation hours)

See parking lot map
Learn more about Carthage’s parking policies

How can my student register a guest and their vehicle?

Students must register guests in the Office of Public Safety. 所有的客人都由公共安全办公室颁发客人通行证,并可能被要求出示身份证明/客人通行证,根据校园公共安全官员或学院人员的要求.

临时泊车证提供给学生的客人过夜停车. 根据学院的客人政策,这些许可证最多可以使用三天,可以从公共安全办公室获得. Learn more 


没有停车许可证的住宿学生可以通过购买临时停车许可证来登记临时车辆,最长可达14天. 临时许可证可通过公共安全办公室获得. 学生在一学年只能购买两次临时许可证. 任何学生车辆在任何学年在校园内停留超过14天,必须购买并出示正规的停车许可证.

What is the shuttle schedule?

全球十大赌钱排行app在学年期间提供免费班车接送不同的校园设施和校外停车场. 我们的班车服务为学生提供可靠的交通工具, faculty, staff, and guests get where they need to go! Learn more about our shuttle services

Where can I learn more about Carthage Dining?

You can learn all about Carthage dining by visiting the Parkhurst Dining website.

我的学生如何获得Birdie Bucks和/或添加钱到他们的Birdie Bucks?

学生们把小鸟币(Birdie Bucks)放在他们的全球十大赌钱排行app身份证上,在校园餐厅使用, in the Carthage bookstore, and at select off-campus establishments. 学生可以使用智能手机或笔记本电脑全天候管理他们的Birdie Bucks. Birdie Bucks does not replace meal points.

Birdie Bucks can be added through the GET Funds website with a debit or credit card, or with cash or check in the Office of Student Financial Services.

Learn more

How can I send my student a care package?

在任何情况下,给你的学生寄一个爱心包裹——一个叫醒电话, an all-nighter, or a student pizza break — through the From Home, With Love Program. Just place your order, 收件人将通过电子邮件收到通知,在食堂领取他们的爱心包裹.

How can my student get involved in campus activities?

With more than 130 student organizations active on campus, students have the opportunity to explore many different interests, from sailing to cosplay to improv comedy. Each fall, 全球十大赌钱排行app举办了一个参与博览会,学生可以与100多个学生组织的成员交流,学习如何参与其中.
Learn more about clubs and orgs on campus 

When is New Member Recruitment for fraternities and sororities?

全球十大赌钱排行app的兄弟会和姐妹会每年秋季和春季都会招募新成员, however, 招生只面向新生下学期及以上的学生. 第一学期的新生在秋季学期没有资格加入社会兄弟会或姐妹会,但可以参加2月份的春季招生.
Learn more about Carthage’s Greek Life

有哪些资源可以帮助我的学生为他们的职业生涯做准备? 全球十大赌钱排行app的新立志计划™是一个全面的四年职业生涯准备计划为所有全球十大赌钱排行app学生. 这个新项目将现有的和新的资源结合起来,从学生入学的第一天起就为他们制定了一个全面的职业发展计划.
Learn more about The Aspire Program™

What counseling resources are available for students?

The Carthage Health and Counseling Center 帮助学生解决身体、心理和情感健康问题. All services are free and confidential.

How do I know my student will be safe on campus?

The Office of Public Safety 是否致力于维护校园的安全、和平和有序. 公共安全办公室一年365天,每周7天,每天24小时运作. Officers provide parking lot shuttle service, event management support, event security, parking and traffic control, and building security. In addition, officers are trained in first aid, CPR, and the use of Automatic External Defibrillators. Learn more about Public Safety 


公共安全办公室位于约翰逊大厦(see campus map). 安全官员可以通过拨打262-551-5911或使用校园附近的蓝光电话联系.
Learn more about Blue Light Telephones 

How can my student sign up for emergency notifications?

全球十大赌钱排行app学生必须在工作日更新他们的紧急联系信息和首选的沟通方式. To set up their emergency contact information, students must log in to Workday, select “Personal Information,” and then “Emergency Contacts.“当校园社区受到威胁时,校园警报就会发出, 或者当消息需要快速传达给整个社区时.

Where does my student report a maintenance concern?

Students can submit a maintenance request at any time at 7lup.cutandcash.com/maintenance. 全球十大赌钱排行app维修人员将始终尊重学生的隐私和财产. 除非有紧急情况,维修人员在上午9:30之前不得进入宿舍房间.m.,工作人员在进入房间前会大声敲门并表明身份. 当学生不在场时,维修人员可能需要进入房间来完成维修请求.

Is there a fax machine my student can use if needed?

Students have access to a fax machine in the campus mailroom. The mailroom is open 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday in Lentz Hall 103 (lower level). Faxing costs $1 per page in the U.S., and $3 per page for international deliveries.